Shortlisted // How to make your job application jump off the page
Are you just about to apply for that dream design job? Before you hit submit, make sure you’ve ticked off this key checklist…

A Passionate Cover Letter…
This is an opportunity for you to introduce yourself and express your enthusiasm for design! Do your research and tailor the letter to the company you are applying to, highlighting any relevant skills and experience from your resume. Remember to keep it short so it’s appealing to read from start to finish and ask a friend to read it through. As a designer, this letter will speak volumes about your personal aesthetic, it should compliment the look of your resume in terms of fonts and layout.
Create a Resume that Reflects You…
Your resume should exude style and reflect your personal brand. Try building it in a non-restrictive program like Adobe In-Design, where you can create a personalised layout that an employer may not have seen before. Regardless of which program you use, save and send your covering letter and resume as a PDF file to prevent layout mess when it’s opened.

Showcasing Your Work…
In the early stages of a career your portfolio can be limited in content and this is where your skills in composition and layouts will become important. Luckily at Sydney Design School we continuously help our students with their portfolio during their study, so they can apply for jobs with confidence.
Who is [email protected]?
That vintage email address you have had since high school has to go. On all your job application material, make sure to include an appropriate email…maybe it’s time to upgrade to a Gmail account.
Update Your Voicemail
When was the last time you updated your voicemail? It’s always good to refresh your audio message which can be heard by potential employers. Keep it clear and state your full name with direction to leave a message that you will return.
Stay Social…
Social media is searchable and employers/HR departments may just put their investigators hat on to see what you have posted on public platforms. Your LinkedIn profile needs to be completed and up to date, with a clean headshot, not a cropped Facebook picture or worse…a selfie. Create a professional Instagram account, which showcases snippets from you portfolio and inspirational imagery. Don’t forget to set your Facebook profile to private so employers are unable to browse through your personal photos!
Check twice, send once…
When you’re happy with your application, do a test. Email it to yourself and a friend and check that the files open and display correctly. Then send it! (Always follow up after a few days with a polite enquiry to check that your application was received).