SDS Highlights | 2017 – The Year in Review
As we settle into a fresh new year we’re inspired by looking back at the year that was. And what a year it was!
Sydney Design School continues to go from strength to strength as more motivated graduates move on to build their careers, and the enthusiasm and support from both new and old industry partners continues to grow.
Our industry supporters made two ‘Design Days Out’ possible, welcoming us with open arms and sharing their design knowledge with our students.

Students visit Koskela on a Design Day Out

Internships are an important and sought after way to gain industry knowledge and skills, and there have been some amazing opportunities for our students and graduates last year.
Katie Snow was fortunate to intern for well respected firm Alexander&CO, while Emily Platts found an enviable placement at Siren. For both women these internships have resulted in job offers.
Our partnership with BOWERBIRD bloomed in 2017, with five lucky students interning there and three past graduates being welcomed into the ‘BOWERBIRD nest’! Their love of Sydney Design School interns is obvious, as is the enthusiasm of BOWERBIRD’s many Instagram followers each time they share their design work.
The three photos below show the styling work of BOWERBIRD intern and Sydney Design School Advanced Diploma student Kelsie Sibley.
Temple & Webster has continued to offer our students opportunities to use their knowledge and live their passion in studio styling internships. On a recent visit to Temple & Webster we were told that Sydney Design School interns are standouts amongst others.

On site at Temple & Webster

Styling by BOWERBIRD intern and Sydney Design School Advanced Diploma student Kelsie Sibley

Styling by BOWERBIRD intern and Sydney Design School Advanced Diploma student Kelsie Sibley

Styling by BOWERBIRD intern and Sydney Design School Advanced Diploma student Kelsie Sibley
Job opportunites
Our industry partners continue to value the skills of our graduates as they snap up the best and brightest to work with them. BN Group have recently hired their third Diploma Graduate – Congratulations Rebecca Pfenniger! Merivale have also offered both of their Sydney Design School interns, Darienne Sutton and Jessamyn Norman, on-going job opportunities.
We have enjoyed watching super motivated students like Kim Potter and Jacob Olsen take the initiative to connect with their style idols at Design Twins and Steve Cordony respectively. Both of their approaches resulted in internships followed by freelance and ongoing job opportunities. Proof that passion, drive and initiative will get you a long way!

Mood board by Shantala Mack and Rebecca Pfenninger. Rebecca was offered a coveted job at BN Group.

Design Day Out

Students at the graduation exhibition in December
Design Day Out
We believe in the importance of a real world design education and inspiration. With this in mind we take our students out of the studio for Design Day Out – to explore the real world of design, visiting the best suppliers and showrooms in Sydney. Last year we enjoyed the hospitality of our industry supporters on two inspiration packed days.
Graduating Students
We celebrated the achievements and incredible work of our students at graduation events in June and December 2017. Read about the events and the award winners from June here, and December here.
A huge thank you to everyone at Sydney Design School for making 2017 another amazing year – to our incredible educators, everyone who works so hard behind the scenes, and to our students, past and present. All are valued and integral parts of our community. Here’s to an even more fabulous year in 2018!
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